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Scout Camp Diaries






WED 1928-  Was extra girl. Wrote letter. Troop meeting & no Life Saving!! Went out with Pam, Muriel, etc. to lay trail for dinner hike. It rained and the rest didn’t start out so we had to come back.





THU 1928-  Life Saving again- awfully hard- studied breaks and respiration. Went with Flowers in P. M. and worked out under big tree writing up flowers. Was going to swim with Dot H. but couldn’t find her. Worked till 6 P. M. on flowers.





FRI 1928-  Terribly hot. At 10 o’clock we all had to go down to Kismet in middies and pleats to have pictures taken. Baked all morning. Pictures weren’t taken till about 11:30. Went up hill for dinner and had to go back at 2. Took picture of us running to campfire yelling! with ball and singing songs at campfire. Had rest hour from 3:30 to 4. Went in swimming with Dot H. She helped me practice Life Saving.





SAT 1928-  Didn’t go to Life Saving. We died our bandannas. Then J. & I went to see Aunt Jess about going to Maine, leaving, etc.  Then I went to Handcraft. Awful rainstorm in P. M. Couldn’t hear whistles to relay. Were supposed to have Campfire at Pancho Playhouse . Macy was over but it rained again & we had it in our cabin. Knights, Inisfree & Macy visited us. Miss Schvottsky told us two lovely fairy tales. Dot & I talked till almost Taps. After Taps we ate Peanut Crackle mother sent.


(NOTE-  Macy,  Knights, etc seem to be names of other scout clusters or units at the camp. Kismet, Pancho Playhouse and a few other names seem to refer to locations within camp.  sdm)





SUN 1928-  Got up early to go to Catholic church. Lewis drove us in. Barb went to Catholic with us. It was quite odd but we could follow what other people did fairly well except concerning collection. We had come in such a hurry we had no time for getting money. Had ride afterward to pass the time waiting for others. Doris explained to us about Catholic church. Washed clothes. Got awful headache. Thought I couldn’t eat dinner but I did. Spent most of P.M. in tent watching visitors. Had Scouts Own.  J. was in it.  (Whenever ‘J’. is mentioned this very likely is  Jeanne Bowman sdm)





MON 1928-  Was late to Handcraft. Waited to finish a letter asking for money for trip to Maine. Went on flower hike thru swamp. Got slightly dampish. Had campfire on the lake. Stubby gave instructions on canoeing. I demonstrated strokes with him!! Got giggles in good night circle by road when councillors told about wood pile plan.






TUES 1928-  Went over to Handcraft. Got about 4/5 of belt (blue suede) done. Payed for things. Had her cut out bright blue suede purses. Nature in P. M. as usual. Tex tried to teach us a new song! Had campfire down the hill at Pancho Playhouse. Aunt Jess (Hello Jessica!!) got slightly peeved at us. Several short plays given. Tex tried to teach us a lot of long songs- We sang doodle daddle to one all thru!





WED 1928-  Was a cook with Edna. Everything for breakfast had to be cooked but got along O.K. Troop meeting morning. Spent most of A. M. working on a new song. I tried to do Nature in between times. Councillors were away for supper. Other patrol had 1 utensil meal & we were quite wild. Aunt Jess came to campfire- we played some good games  and had ‘some mores’ . Had lots of fun.





THU 1928-  Got up early. Tried to clean cabin before brkfast. Finished after. Took Jewel’s cake to kitchen. At 8:45 went to Kismet to work on Flowers. Worked till 12:35!! Rushed up to lunch and back again to finish. Was going to Macy after Rest Hr. but Miss C. not there. Had to go rounds with troop. Gained 10 lbs!! Ironed my middy. After supper was going to pack but Pam  informed me that I must go to Ossining with Lewis to get money at telegraph office. So I did. Back in time for Crt. Of Awards. Made punch after. Had nice party as usual in Gypsy Glen.





FRI 1928-  Eventful day! Got up at 5 o’clock to pack. Had packing done by brkfst. Was K.P. After finishing work got arrayed in Scout suit. Went up to Tip Top and got autographs. Spent most of morning getting them and also pictures. Barb & Muriel expected to go on bus but (their sdm) mother came . Very sorry to leave but had to.  Long trip on bus thru N. Y. but interesting. Refreshed ourselves  <(Jeanne Bowman and Ruth  Clark sdm) in (Girl Scout sdm) Headquarters. Miss Grey- awfully nice- took us to station. Went up to 5th Avenue. Had ice cream. Watched people in Grand Central- boarded train. Cute little dog in baggage car. Sort of nice girl slept in upper berth.





SAT 11- Got up at 4:30 thinking it was 5:30 but train was slightly early so we didn’t have long wait in train. Mr. B & Mrs. (Jeanne Bowman’s parents  sdm) met us in new car. Good to see them. Parked to wait till stores opened. Ate little brkft. Then sang our songs to them and showed things made in handcraft. Did a little shopping. Got cloth for shorts & drove to Aunt Jenny’s. Nice place- lovely house, dog. Had a 2 hr. nap in P.M.  after doing dishes. Played croquet. Decided to do all dishes while here.





SUN 1928-  Slept kind’a late. Got ready to go on a drive after breakfast. Went to Poland Springs, a  wonderful, magnificent swimming resort. Saw Maine State House, and drank water from the famous spring. Ate our dinner near Tripp Lake where there was a speedboat & numerous people swimming. Stopped  at Quimby’s on our way back. We were so tired, dilapidated, etc. we didn’t want to but Clarence Q. was so nice to us. Took us to Bear Pond and met daughters Betty and Pam.





MON 1928-  Got up at 5:30. Mrs. B. went to Lewiston. Played croquet and made sun shorts out in yard. Had quite a time with pup. Helped wash clothes. Took nap in P. M.  Played croquet again. Took in clothes. Started to make candy but lost ambition. Played piano most of evening.





TUES 1928-  Slept late. Awfully hot- 96 in shade. Took off G.S. uniform and played, jumped in the hay in barn. Then we carried & carried water into the barn (for the horse, like fun) and poured into tubs. Then took our first real bath in 6 weeks in the barn with soap suds galore. We also gave the dog a bath or tried to. Stayed in bed most of P.M/ reading, etc. Then we got up and donned middy and tan bloomers. Played croquet. Dresses came. Then we went for a buggy ride with Bale  <(sp? name of horse? sdm). Loads of fun. Ate supper in yard. Played cards after supper.





WED 1928-  Read and wrote 4 letters during the morning. Mrs. B. came back- also Cousin Fred and Mrs. Fessenden. Mrs. B. & Aunt Jenny went to celebration- then Mr. & Mrs. B. went to Lewiston.





THU 1928-  Got up early- put water pans on, washed after breakfast- a huge washing. About 1:30 started out in buggy (J. & I perched on the back) to Round Pond. Ate lunch on moss after tying Bale up. Went in swimming with only 3 other girls in. Played cards in suits, got dressed. Drove back Bale got awfully restless tied up & pawed up ground. Played croquet (4 of us). Went star gazing.





FRI 1928-  Got up early. Sprinkled clothes. Ironed after breakfast. Frank took us out to pick white water lilies. My they were beautiful. Picked things from garden then went to Livermore Falls with Frank. Sat in car and read Stella Dallas. Mr. & Mrs. B. came at noon. Went on another picnic at Round Pond and this time in cars. Went in swimming & washed hair. Crazy boys there who tried to frighten me swimming under me. Played piano for Mr. B. most all evening. Did a lot of packing- duffle bag, etc.





SAT 1928-  Didn’t start for Boston as had planned. It was raining. Fixed rooms, packed, etc. Helped Mr. B. pack things. Went to Jay?, long drive in the rain with Frank- heaps of fun. Went to country auction after dinner. Awfully muddy drive. Washed  ca?. Played cards again. Had autographs signed. Went to bed.





SUN 1928-  Got up very early. Finished packing and carrying things into car- had breakfast & said goodbye to farm. Had 170 mi. drive- stopped at several beaches. Unpacked things. Went over to Sherman’s Had fun with Arthur.





MON 1928-  Got up- naturally, ate breakfast and started for town. Jeanne forgot something and when she went back found Sarah- Lucky Break! Got skirt, hat, sweater, stockings, etc. Had fairly good luck finding things. Came home for lunch. Did some packing. Went back to Central Sq. for a few odds and ends. Walked home with Sarah. Manicured nails, mended after supper, wrote in you, took bath, went to bed.





TUES 1928-  Did final packing and got dressed  in traveling clothes to start home. Went to station with our exceedingly large amount of luggage in a taxi.  Got to train half  ? Station under construction- very stuffy, hot and dirty in coach. Trio of exceedingly silly and giggly women next us. Got to Montreal Station, ate, read, bought a few things, and sent postal to Arthur. Had nice porter on Pullman.




WED 1928-  Got up late. Read Mc Call’s all morning. Little boys across from us . One 8 months very cute. Had hot choc & ---(? ) for lunch & bought Mining Journal but not much in it. Entertained boy taking him on porch. Changed trains at Soo. Waited 2 ½ hours at Soo. Junction. Skipped up and down Pullman. Everybody thought we  were crazy. Were people we knew on train. We ate our lunch and finally 2 ½ hrs passed. Got into coach for Marquette , had a sleep then strained eyes for lake. Midnight passes.




THU 1928-  Reached home at 12:30- 45 minutes late- was so excited- Conductor thought I’d jump off train. Papa and Alden at station. Mama waiting, Robert and James asleep. Talked and then saw movies. Got to bed at 2 o’ clock. Slept till ten- very anxious to see James. Unpacked rest of morning. Went to camp with Jane, J. & mother (who drove). It looked so wonderful. Played  cards with Jack Paull  <(sp?).




FRI 1928-  Went downtown with J. to get a few things for mother from trip. We were afraid every other person we met would stop to talk to us but we only met one. I had a movie party  for Jeanne’s birthday. R. Brown , Mary, etc. Mother left for Iowa- Boo Hoo!!! I want to go too.





SAT 1928-  Stickneys from Ohio here for lunch. Mr. Stickney quite the dickens- told us wild things he did when a boy- putting limburger cheese all over school, etc. Jim Stickney rather nice. Rode with him.





SUN 1928-  Went out to camp for dinner. J. &  I walked way over to Longyears! Steered the car in from camp in evening!





MON 1928-  Got pajama material. Jeanne and I sewed most of day.





WED 1928-  Aunt M. asked us to supper and for the night.






THU 1928-  Stayed at camp all day sewing, etc. Came in at suppertime. The Nyman’s came to spend night.




FRI 1928-  We went up to school to change schedules. Henning was very nice to us. Went to movie- Laura Lablante  <(sp?)- Saw Bud & asked him when Sally left & he said she hadn’t & was coming to town tonight so I called her. She was going to movie so we went again.



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