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Scout Camp Diaries






SUN 1928- . Were going to church but didn’t have enough packing done. We’d been spending all morning mending and doing everything we shouldn’t be on a Sunday. Got a little dressed up in the afternoon and went to the drug store and bought consid’ble odds and ends. Had a long visit with girl across the street mostly about her dog. Finally by 10:30 turned in.





MON 1928-  Got up at 4 o’ clock but didn’t go in to wish Emily a pleasant summer with painters. Rode and rode as it got hotter and hotter. Finally arrived at 1:45. Pretty place but J. and I were not put together. Aunt Jess said we could change tho. Went the rounds with Captain  Kay. Had a most terrible time getting baggage . Well- Camp Andree- at which I am to spend 7 weeks- I like you.





TUES 1928-  Got a little more in general routine. Elected Jackie patrol leader. Had swimming try out. Was dishwasher so I couldn’t go to canteen. Had campfire down the hill and each patrol gave something. Jackie read a letter to Pete Pan.





WED 1928-  The 4th & one quite different from all others! We had a troop meeting and played games and made our Peter Pan hats. There was a band meet which we did not enter. Too hot! Watched the water meet and wrote letters with Jeanne. Went back up the hill just as a storm came up to  put down tent flaps, etc.  Ate in Kismet, went canoeing, then campfire.





THU 1928-  Went to handcraft.. Miss  camp. Slightly nervous & cranky but many wonderful things to make. Started back early to cook.





FRI 1928-  Princess Tiata (?) in her Indian costume  gave legends and stories at campfire.





SAT 1928- Visitors day- not much to do. We sat around in P.M. again writing letters and then had community supper and troop plays after supper. I was Liza the  Darling’s nurse & Jeanne was gypsie queen.





SUN 1928  After breakfast I got ready for church. Rushed down and just caught the bus. After getting into church J. and I went back to store to buy pen. Went to Presbyterian. Got ice cream cones after. Had Scouts Own at cathedral.





SUN 1928- Got up at 5:45 & prepared to go to church. Started in bus  with J. to Episcopal church . Zim? and Merlin? were also going. Got there much too early. Went to drug? places which were closed and back to church. Holy Communion! None of us Episc. Awful time and also funny. Got magazines. All had feast on figs for tomorrow. Went to Macy for Scouts Own. Had two plays for us. One- Moses. 





MON  1928-  Classes started again. Handcraft was the same. Took archery in P. M.  Scorching hot day to shoot out in field, but I hit Bull’s eye (because I aimed at another target!) Left early. Had to cook potatoes for salad.





TUES 1928- Started some belts in handcr. Good looking. Kay was on her day off- no archery. There was Kid’s party in evening.





SUN 1928-  Was signed up for church but did not go.





TUES 1928-  Was a cook. We had visitors from Robins and huge breakf to  cook but weren’t very late. Didn’t go to class but started letter home and started dinner. Didn’t feel good in A.M. or evening either. Jeff and I went down to infirmary (!?!) to see if we should go on hike. Sue said she’d see. We skipped campfire. Went to cabin.





WED 1928-  Troop meeting. We discussed our overnite hike and learned some songs to sing and played games. Didn’t go to archery but looked all over for pansys. Found one last minute. Had to do dishes, fix bed + everything all at once. Kay wanted me to hurry and I didn’t feel good. We started out little after six- very fast. Dot hurt foot so J., Dot & I lagged behind. Collected food, made beds, fixed m. netting, had “some mores”, sang old songs & crawled into bed. Wonderful night.





THU 1928-  Rose at 4:30. J. & I had our watch and made breakfast. Hiked home. Started tray in Hamdcraft. Got 5 letters, one containing $45 for board which I paid. Went over again to Hdcr & almost finished tray.  Had Col. Of Awards and our ceremony in  G. S. cabin afterward at which I read camp log, passed fudge and all sang. Overnite Hike Song made quite a hit with everyone.





FRI 1928-  Last day for 2nd 2 wks. Duke went home.  J. & I packed our things and moved down to Gypsies. Took shower. Were almost late for lunch. Nice girls in our tent- Muriel and Barbara. Spent most of P.M. getting settled. A girl from Gypsy Rest cooked our supper. Was volunteer K.P.  At campfire we introduced selves.





SAT 1928-  J. & I were K. P. Not so bad. Down here everyone washes own dishes. Had meeting in cabin to practice and explain things. Went to Handcraft with Mercedes. Got suede for blue belt. She gave me bag to finish etc.  Practiced stunt after rest hr. & after community supper. Had Evolution Of Camp Fire- Cavemen(?), Gypsies; Indians; Pilgrims & 49ers.





SUN 1928- Pressed J’s & my G. S. dresses for church. Cleaned canteen and dressed for church. A whole gang of us went to Christian Science to see what it was like. J. & I sat in front row. It wasn’t as queer & hard to follow as Episc.  Took shower, washed clothes and worked on  bag for most of afternoon. Scouts Own in evening. Bundy pressed her bloomers for me & asked me to give them back so she could press them better. Was so surprised!





MON 1928-  Was cook with Jeanne. Had to chop a lot of wood. Went to Life Saving- like it pretty well. Bundy taught me breast stroke. Started flowers. Had supper hrs early as the patrol went on 2-overnite hike. We went canoeing and on tour of camp to show new girls. Terrible unearthly howl or screech after Taps.




TUES 1928-  Found out that the noise last night was a screech owl. Had quite a laugh over it w/ Maxine. Went to Life Saving- got behind, awfully hard! Wrote letter during rest hr. Worked till six on flowers after going to Innisfree Campfire at Theatre. Dramatic Club gave plays- awfully good- especially the one about Benjamin . Mary Jane, Barb & I got up after Taps to put dishes away & get drink.


Continue to August Diary

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